My Name is Matthew, and I am a soldier. I have an interesting view that I share from time to time with the folks I encounter as I walk the road. Some of those people have encouraged me to seek out ways to help others or simply share my views or ideas with more people. I will blog on many subjects, from things that piss me off on a daily basis to more important issues such as dealing with chronic depression and the struggles that ensue as a result. I will be taking bits and pieces from emails and rants that I have verbalized as well, so if you see something we have talked about please, smile and nod...Thanks for reading.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Guilt, Debt, Regret, and un paid bills

           There are a few things I don't deal with. I have decided to be mindful. I don't do guilt, debt, regret, and un paid bills. Not as easy as it sounds.

          If you offend me or hurt me, I will tell you. If you are any kind of human being, you will appologise and I will forgive you. I may not allow you to harm me again, but I will forgive you. I don't do guilt. If you feel guilty, that's on you. I refuse to make someone feel guilty. I myself feel guilty all the time, but that's my issue. I don't want to make it yours. If I feel guilty, it's probably because I did something wrong and I will do my best to make it right. I may never earn the forgiveness of the person I've offended, but that won't stop me from trying.

        If you borrow money from me, I won't hold that against you forever. I don't do debt, it's not something I cling to. I won't loan something I can't do without. If you are someone who has owed me something in the past and you feel that this statment isn't true, ask yourself, has he said anything to me about it? If not, it's probably because I don't care anymore, like Phil Collins said.

      If something happens and I miss an opportunity, I missed an opportunity. Why should I have a regret? Why should I carry around with me some sort of misconception about things I should have or could have done? I refuse to do that to myself. So I don't do regret.

      Un paid bills, if I owe you money, or if I owe your company money, I will pay you what I owe you. I am not psychic though, I don't know your intent. Don't give me something freely and then demand I pay you back long after we have parted ways. I don't do un paid bills. My credit score could always use a lift, so I try not to borrow from people unless I have to.

     Ohh and while we are at it... I don't do grudges either. Screw that. If you upset me or hurt me, I'm too forgetful to remember. So I won't hold it above your head for ages. Once it's over, it's over. I have enough stress in my life.

Good Luck, God Bless, THANK YOU FOR READING !


  1. I think it is wise with the things you don't do. I think it saves you from a lot of bad feelings and you have a better sense of self worth. Someone I know says when he lends people money, he assumes he's not going to get it back so he doesn't lend unless he knows for sure he can do without that money. Very good thoughts.


    1. I do the same thing with money lending, coincidentally I don't lend much money these days. I think we are all running a little tight on the pocket book lately. Thank you for the comment

  2. I wish I felt exactly this way....Unfortunately I do guilt and regret well. And I am working on the un-paid bill issue. Love the way your mind works

    1. Thanks for the comment, and the compliment. I appreciate BOTH. Guilt is something we must deal with within ourselves. You are judging yourself when you take on guilt. I always thought of it as though I was putting my hand up in front of God saying "No no... I got this one". I would be pretty arrogant to tell GOD that I can handle anything without his help. Regret is almost the same thing but instead of being mad or upset with yourself you are feeling bad about a situation that has already happened. Learn to let go of the things you cannot control. You nor I can control the past. That's why it's the past. It's done, over, finished. I wish you the best of luck in all that you do. Thank you very much for following and commenting

    2. You are so right! I am judging myself. And I am usually my worst critic. I am going to digest your words tonight and hopefully learn to let go of a few things that I have no control over. Although, I reckon that will be hard to do!

  3. I'm with you, Matt. This makes a lot of sense.

    1. Why, THANK YOU. Sometimes your family can get in the way of your intentions. You can't chose your family but you can chose to learn from them. What to do, and what not to do. In our case it's more of one than any other. Luck to you and thanks again for the comment

  4. AMEN! My Mama always told me not to lend something that you are not okay NEVER getting back, like a $1,000 I never saw from a former friend. It's okay! Money will come and go. As for bad new or regret and guilt, waddle waddle, my friend. Let it roll of your back like water on a duck. Hold your head high and know that there are people out in the world like me, who pray for souls like you. I ask God on the daily to watch over those who are trying their best.
